Practicum Trip Report Outline
Practicum Reports model Trip Reports which are a common way for those in international work to document to their clients and superiors, the activities they have undertaken. These Reports often introduce the deliverable(s) done in completion of a scope of work.
Practicum Scholar Awardees are asked to submit a Practicum Report as part of their award agreement. Adapt the outline as needed to fit your particular circumstance. Practicum Reports are due by August 31, for those completing their field work in summer.
Suggested Outline for Practicum Report (3 to 5 pages maximum, not including annexes/deliverables). Suggested method: copy the outline below into your document, and rapidly (in 20-30 minutes) fill in each section. Refine any particulars and submit!
Title Page (with Title, Author, Date, Acknowledgments to funder and others)
I. Executive Summary – (Summarize the key points of the report in one or two paragraphs.)
II. Background/Intro
- a. Description of Client Organization
b. How you found this opportunity
c. Describe relevant Public Health Issue
d. Describe your Final Scope of Work
III. Activities/What you did
IV. Observations or Recommendations
- a. What would you advise another student interested in this endeavor
V. Any Next Steps/Follow up Actions
VI. Annexes:
- a. List of key meetings/events
b. Contacts: Name, Title, Contact Info of helpful people
c. Key Documents/Instruments/deliverables you wish to share, like key meeting notes, survey or report
d. Budget/Expenses [Especially if endeavor was international.] (Estimate of cost of doing your practicum; also, add funding strategies you used to afford this endeavor.)
e. Photos-of you working in the field/photos of the work site.