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Bostonia: The Alumni Magazine of Boston University

Fall 2008

Window Treatment

Student Artwork Transforms Warren Towers Facade

| From Commonwealth | By Edward A. Brown

Warren towers got a surprising face-lift this summer, injecting the drab but beloved residence hall with some twenty-first century glam.

A series of mod paintings, called Characters of BU, now covers the windows at the entrance to 700 Commonwealth Avenue. The pieces were created by Erika Rosendale (CFA'09) for an interdisciplinary course called Site-Specific Art, taught by Hugh O'Donnell, a College of Fine Arts professor of painting.

"The idea was that the student not only came up with the proposal, but was also involved heavily in the project management to see it all the way through," says O'Donnell. "It's a great arrangement for everyone." The client—in this case Warren Towers—benefits from the art, he says, and the student can use it as a portfolio piece.

For Rosendale, the chance to showcase her work on such a public stage is invaluable. Although she considers herself a "totally traditional" painter, Rosendale says the experience of preparing her artwork electronically and working with a graphic design company to adapt and install it was eye-opening.

"There are many, many great artists out there, but it's the people who make a convincing argument who get their work seen, and you need experience making proposals to do that," says Rosendale.

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On Saturday, 10/18/2008 at 2:20am, Dania Shapira wrote:

I am currently attending this course, and Rosendale's work and presentation are most inspiring!

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