Welcome to the BMERC
Developing Computational Methods
To develop and apply computational methods for the analysis and design of structures, functions, interactions, regulation and evolution of biological macromolecules; and to use such understanding to contribute to the advancement of modern biological, engineering and medical sciences. In meeting these objectives, the BMERC is continually developing new computer-assisted analytical approaches that address basic problems in molecular biology and biomedical engineering.
Enabling Collaborative Research
To connect basic sciences with engineering and medical applications. On the basic science side, BMERC has active collaborations with faculty from the Department of Chemistry (Profs. Adrian Whitty, Karen Allen, John Porco), the Department of Physiology and Biophysics (Prof. Assen Marintchev), the Department of Biology (Prof. Andrew Emili), and the Department of Mathematics and Statistics (Profs. Mark Kon and Julio Castrillon). Within engineering, BMERC collaborates with members of the Center for Information and Systems Engineering (CISE). In particular, we closely collaborate with Profs. Yannis Paschalidis (ECE Department) and Pirooz Vakili (Mechanical Engineering).
Supporting the Scientific Community
To provide collaborative research support and training to the Boston University and wider research communities, with focus on graduate students.