
is a package consisting
of a
core curriculum and related curricula.
About the core curriculum:
- The Core Curriculum
Helping Patients Who Drink Too Much is a new, freely
available web-based training curriculum geared toward
generalist clinicians.
- This evidence-based curriculum is a tool used for teaching
skills for addressing unhealthy alcohol use (e.g. screening,
assessment, brief intervention, and referral) in primary
care settings, and emphasizes knowledge and skills regarding
cross-cultural efficacy.
- It has been designed to be taught in 45 minute sessions
or expanded into longer or multiple sessions. It consists
of a power point slide presentation, complete with trainer
notes, and three case-based videos demonstrating skills
for addressing unhealthy alcohol use in primary care settings.
- The curriculum has been piloted with target audiences
(practicing primary care physicians and physicians in
training). In addition, key primary care faculty nationwide
are being trained to implement and disseminate the ACT
About the Related
- The
Related Curricula
provide additional details on selected issues raised in
the core curriculum.
Selected issues covered are Health Disparities & Cultural
Competence and Pharmacotherapy.
the curricula:
- The
curriculum slides and videos can be freely downloaded
from this website, or used online.
Narrative for the slides is included as a guide for teachers.
Expert faculty who developed the curriculum are available
by appointment for live Q&A sessions during your training
sessions. Please contact us to schedule a Q&A session.
here to use the curricula
curriculum, a project of the Boston Medical Center, is a
product of the Alcohol Clinical Training (ACT) Project.
It is supported by a grant from the National Institute on
Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) and produced in cooperation
with the Boston University Schools of Medicine and Public