Natural Wanderment: Stewardship. Sovereignty. Sacredness.

Natural Wanderment is an art exhibition presented by the BU Arts Initiative and the BU Art Galleries. Natural Wanderment: Stewardship. Sovereignty. Sacredness. presents photographs from Matika Wilbur’s Project 562—a documentary project in which Wilbur photographed over 562 federally recognized Native American tribes, traveling across the United States in her RV which she named the “Big Girl.” The linear display of the photographs in the gallery space is meant to be suggestive of the road that Wilbur embarked on her journey across the country to capture the diverse and vibrant nature of the lives of indigenous peoples. Moreover, it expresses the continuous enduring efforts, in light of indigenous perspectives and histories, to reclaim their tribal sovereignty while preserving, cultivating, and transferring their ancestral traditions.

When 11:00 am – 5:00 pm on every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, & Saturday until Friday, March 8, 2024
Location 808 Gallery
Fuller Building
808 Commonwealth Avenue