Research on Tap | Current Research on Autism at Boston University: From Cells to Society

Hosted by Helen Tager-Flusberg, Professor, Psychological & Brain Sciences, CAS, and Director, Center for Autism Research Excellence

In the last two decades rates of autism diagnoses have risen exponentially. Scientists at Boston University were at the forefront of research into the pathophysiology of this enigmatic neurodevelopmental disorder even before the current wave of interest. Now, work on both campuses spans the full spectrum of disciplines working toward advancing our understanding of the causes and neural mechanisms that underlie the core and associated symptoms, moving the needle on earlier screening and more precise diagnosis, optimizing clinical care in the community, and improving the lives of individuals with autism and their families. During this event we will hear from experts whose work addresses these key topics.

When 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm on Thursday, November 1, 2018
Location Photonics Colloquium Room | 8 St. Mary's Street | 9th Floor