Raised in Captivity

Stage Troupe's second mainstage of the semester is Nicky Silver's Raised in Captivity! It has been years since twins Sebastian and Bernadette have seen each other when they are reunited at the funeral of their mother who was killed by a projectile shower head. Bernadette tries to keep her husband, Kip, in line when he decides that life is too short to be a dentist, whereas Sebastian, who is in love with his prison pen pal, Dylan, also has to fend off Hilary, his former therapist, who is driven insane by her undying love for him. Through witty dialogue and comically beautiful tragedy, these characters attempt to break free of their inner captivity.

When 8:00 pm – 10:00 pm every day
Building Student Theater at Agganis Arena
Phone (347) 365-0461
Contact Email stage@bu.edu
Contact Organization Stage Troupe
Fee 6
Fees Single