Earth Day Festival

11:00 am on Thursday, April 24, 2014
2:30 pm on Thursday, April 24, 2014
GSU Plaza
Join us on the GSU Plaza from 11 a.m. -2:30 p.m. on Thursday, April 24 for our annual Earth Day festival! Come learn more about sustainability@bu and sign up to get a Green Office Certification. Vote for your favorite dining hall…it’s a chowda throwdown! Can you tell the difference between tap water and bottled? Take the test! Vote for your favorite artist in the Sustainable Art Contest. BYOB…Bring Your Old Books! Learn about the health and environmental benefits of sustainable transportation and even make a bike powered smoothie with BU Bikes! Shop at the UNItiques pop-up shop. Visit the Office Depot table to recycle toner and learn about the “We Bagged the Box” program. Put your clothes to work, help BU, the environment, and the entire community by cleaning out your closets and donating old work clothes to Goodwill.