Upward Bound Math Science
Upward Bound Math Science is a part of the federally funded TRIO programs, whose purpose is to prepare low-income and first-generation college bound students for success in higher education. The goal of Upward Bound Math Science is to help students recognize and develop their potential to excel in math and science and to encourage them to pursue postsecondary degrees in those subjects.
The Upward Bound Math Science program has been at Boston University since 2007. The program serves 50 students from Boston Green Academy, Josiah Quincy Upper School, Chelsea High and Charlestown High School or who attend a public school and live in Chelsea, Dorchester, East Boston, Mattapan, and Roxbury. Students have the opportunity to do joint activities with students from Boston University’s Upward Bound Program, which has been in operation since 1989.
This model provides integration with academic researchers at Boston University and offers expanded opportunities for program participants to prepare in greater depth for study in the STEM fields (science, technology, engineering, and math) at the post-secondary level.
Services are based on the Boston University campus and include after school tutoring and classes held weekday afternoons, science vacation weeks, and an academically intensive six-week summer residential program.
Students participate in hands-on and exploratory science activities, as well as work in research labs. Students participate in both the school year and summer components upon entry to the program until high school graduation. All program services are free and students receive a small stipend for their participation
View a short video on UBMS at Boston University