The first lecture exam, Tuesday (Monday schedule), October 9, 6:30–8:30 pm,
follows the Columbus Day holiday weekend.
It will not be given at any other time and
failure to take the exam
will result in a 0 for that exam,
so please make weekend travel plans accordingly.
The third lecture exam, Monday, November 19, 6:30–8:30 pm,
is two days before Thanksgiving recess.
It will not be given at any other time and
failure to take the exam
will result in a 0 for that exam,
so please make Thanksgiving recess travel plans accordingly.
The Final Exam
is Monday, December 17, 68 pm.
It will not be given at any other time and failure to take the exam
will result in a 0 for that exam,
so please make end-of-semester plans accordingly.
Here are the locations, topics, and results of lecture exams, lab exams, and the final exam in this course. The duration of each exam may be shortened.
- Lecture exam 1, Tuesday (Monday schedule), October 9, 6:308:15 pm
- Lecture exam 2, Monday, October 29, 6:308:15 pm
- Lecture exam 3, Monday, November 19, 6:308:15 pm
- Overall scores "so far"
- Lab exam, Monday, December 10, 6:308:15 pm
- Final exam, Monday, December 17, 68 pm
Your are required to abide by the following exam regulations:
We treat cheating with zero tolerance. The consequences of cheating are at a minimum that the score for work on which cheating occurs counts as 0, and a letter detailing the cheating is sent to the student's advisor, the dean of CAS, and placed in the student's academic file. Possible further consequences are referral to Academic Conduct Committee, and additional penalties, including possible expulsion from university.
Bring only your BU ID, a pen (black or blue ink only), and your Texas Instruments TI-30X IIS 2-Line Scientific Calculator (but you must not bring the calculator cover) to the exam room.
No other electronic devices may be used; all electronic communication is forbidden,
and all communication devices (including watches) must be placed in airplane mode and stowed away.
Please do your exam in black or blue ink only. Please use only the exam paper provided. Scrap paper may not be used. Points will be deducted for answers reported to an incorrect number of significant figures and if proper units are not used throughout each calculation. A periodic table, physical constants, and major formulas will be provided as appropriate. All work must be shown to receive credit.
Lecture exam 1, Tuesday (Monday schedule), October 9.
The exam is based on all lecture, lab, ALEKS, and discussion material through lab 1 and Mahaffy et al., chapters 1, 2, 3,
4 (sections 1, 3, and 4), and 5, and eBook activities
e4.4 Collisional Heating by CO2 in the Atmosphere
e4.5 IR spectral windows).
You are responsible for the information in Mahaffy et al.,
figures 3.7, 3.8, 3.19, 3.20, 3.21, and 3.24, and in tables 3.2 and 3.4.
You may use only the Texas Instruments TI-30X IIS 2-Line Scientific Calculator,
but you must not bring the calculator cover.
The exam is held in the following locations,
6:308:15pm (the exam duration may be shortened).
Go to the location below according to the first letter(s) of your last name.
The building abbreviations below are here
and the campus map is here.
- Last name starts with AF, go to MOR/101
- Last name starts with GH, go to SAR/101
- Last name starts with IMi, go to CGS/129
- Last name starts with MjQ, go to STO/B50
- Last name starts with RS, go to PHO/206
- Last name starts with TZ, go to SCI/109
The average score for exam 1 was 62.0/100 = 62.0% (shown as the vertical line);
the dashed lines mark 1 and 2 standard deviations from the average;
the high score was 100/100 = 100.%;
780 people took the exam.
Last updated Wednesday, October 10, 2018 07:34:33.
Lecture exam 2, Monday, October 29.
The exam is based on all lecture, ALEKS, and discussion material through Mahaffy et al.,
chapters 5 and 6 and in labs 13.
You are responsible for the information in Mahaffy et al.,
figure 6.28 and table 6.13.
Note that while the exam focuses on the preceding, it assumes the material from exam 1.
You may use only the Texas Instruments TI-30X IIS 2-Line Scientific Calculator,
but you must not bring the calculator cover.
The exam is held in the following locations,
6:308:15pm (the exam duration may be shortened).
Go to the location below according to the first letter(s) of your last name.
The building abbreviations below are here
and the campus map is here.
- Last name starts with ACa, go to CAS/522
- Last name starts with CdD, go to LSE/B01
- Last name starts with EI, go to SCI/109
- Last name starts with JK, go to CAS/B12
- Last name starts with LMi, go to STO/B50
- Last name starts with MjQ, go to SAR/101
- Last name starts with RTa, go to PHO/206
- Last name starts with TbZ, go to COM/101
The average score for exam 2 was 70.7/100 = 70.7% (shown as the vertical line);
the dashed lines mark 1 and 2 standard deviations from the average;
the high score was 100/100 = 100.%; 751 people took the exam.
Last updated Tuesday, October 30, 2018 10:21:30.
Lecture exam 3, Monday, November 19.
The exam is based on all lecture, labs, ALEKS, and discussion material through Mahaffy et al.,
chapter 7,
only the material in chapter 8 covered in lectures, supporting material in discussion,
the Hydrogen atom family album,
and in the Glossary of electron waves in atoms,
and in labs 46.
Note that while the exam focuses on the preceding, it assumes the material from exams 1 and 2.
You may use only the Texas Instruments TI-30X IIS 2-Line Scientific Calculator,
but you must not bring the calculator cover.
The exam is held in the following locations,
6:308:15pm (the exam duration may be shortened).
Go to the location below according to the first letter(s) of your last name.
The building abbreviations below are here
and the campus map is here.
- Last name starts with AF, go to MOR/101
- Last name starts with GH, go to SAR/101
- Last name starts with IMi, go to CGS/129
- Last name starts with MjQ, go to STO/B50
- Last name starts with RS, go to PHO/206
- Last name starts with TZ, go to SCI/109
The average score for exam 3 was 69.7/100 = 69.7% (shown as the vertical line);
the dashed lines mark 1 and 2 standard deviations from the average;
the high score was 100/100 = 100.%;
706 people took the exam. Last updated Tuesday, November 20, 2018 12:22:53.
Overall scores so far.
As detailed here,
course grades are assigned based on the distribution overall scores at the end of the course.
Based on past experience, it is likely that the average overall score will correspond to a grade in the C+ range.
The overall score so far is not a running total of the points earned in the course.
Rather, it is an estimate of what your final score, out of 1000 points,
would be if you continued to perform at the same level.
This means that if you have received perfect scores on all work so far,
your overall score so far would be 1000,
and if you have received 50% scores on all work so far,
your overall score so far would be 500.
Here is the distribution of overall course scores so far, on a 1000-point scale.
These scores are based on lecture quizzes,
the first eight discussion quizzes,
the first six labs,
and exams 1, 2, and 3.
Your overall score so far will be available on Blackboard.
There will be no further updates to the overall score so far.
Overall score so far:
The average overall score so far, after exam 3, is 765./1000 = 76.5% (shown as the vertical line);
the dashed lines mark standard deviations from the average;
the high score was 989/1000 = 98.9%;
706 overall scores are shown.
Last updated Tuesday, November 27, 2018 09:21:27.
Lab exam, Monday, December 10.
The exam is held in the following locations,
6:308:15pm (the exam duration may be shortened).
Go to the location below according to the first letter(s) of your last name.
The building abbreviations below are here
and the campus map is here.
- Last name starts with AF, go to MOR/101
- Last name starts with GH, go to SAR/101
- Last name starts with IMi, go to CGS/129
- Last name starts with MjQ, go to STO/B50
- Last name starts with RS, go to PHO/206
- Last name starts with TZ, go to SCI/109
The average score for the lab exam was 47.8/60 = 79.7% (shown as the vertical line);
the dashed lines mark 1 and 2 standard deviations from the average;
the high score was 60/60 = 100.%;
707 people took the exam.
Last updated Thursday, December 13, 2018 18:20:23.
Final exam,
Monday, December 17, 68 pm.
The final exam is based everything covered this semester.
The exam is held in the following locations.
Go to the location below according to the first letter(s) of your
last name. The building abbreviations below are here and the campus map is here.
- Last name starts with AC, go to SCI/113
- Last name starts with DF, go to SCI/109
- Last name starts with GL, go to MOR/101
- Last name starts with M, go to LSE/B01
- Last name starts with NT, go to CGS/129
- Last name starts with UZ, go to COM/101
The average score for the final exam was 96.0/150 = 64.0% (shown as the vertical line);
the dashed lines mark 1 and 2 standard deviations from the average;
the high score was 150/150 = 100.%;
706 people took the exam.
Last updated Tuesday, December 18, 2018 08:08:46