ECE Seminar Speaker - Krzysztof Kulpa


ECE Seminar Speaker - Krzysztof Kulpa


Passive Radar - New Technology for Target Tracking and Imaging

Krzysztof Kulpa Profesor and Head of Radar Technology Research Lab, Institute of Electronic Systems, Warsaw University of Technology

Faculty Host:Janusz Konrad

Refreshments at 10:45pm

Abstract: Passive radar is a new technology that was first implemented during World War II but then forgotten for decades. The rapid development of DSP hardware and software gave the big push to this technology and nowadays many researchers are working on development of new algorithms for passive detection, tracking and imaging. Passive radars exploit different illuminators of opportunity – mainly high-power commercial radio or TV illuminators. As the illumination is continuous, uninterrupted observation of targets is possible, what leads to high update rate during tracking and also to possibility of passive ISAR imaging or micro-Doppler analyses of the targets. The seminar will present history of passive radars, the present stage of development and future challenges of this technology.

Bio: Prof. Krzysztof S. Kulpa received his M. Sc., Ph.D. and Dr. Sc. degrees from the Department of Electronic Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology (WUT) in 1982, 1987 and 2009 respectively. From 1985 to 1988 he worked at the Institute of Electronic Fundamentals, WUT, and in the years 1988-1990 he was Associate Professor at the Electrical Department of the Technical University of BiaƂystok. In the period 1990-2005 he worked as a scientific consultant in WZR RAWAR. Since 1990 he is Professor at the Institute of Electronic Systems (WUT). Since 2011 he has held the position of Scientific Director of the Defense and Security Research Center of the Warsaw University of Technology. In 2014 he obtained the title of State Professor, granted by the President of Poland. His research activity is focus on Radar Signal processing including Passive, noise and imaging radars.


11:00am on Wednesday, April 17th 2019

End Time



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Hosting Professor

Janusz Konrad
