University Events

« March 2019 »


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Sunday, March 3
8:00 Moments In Time
11:00 Dim Sum at Warren
1:00 Boston Youth Symphony Orchestras
2:00 1984
2:00 LAUGHS IN SPANISH by Alexis Scheer
2:00 Project 31 UNDER CONTROL
6:00 Boston Youth Symphony Orchestras
8:00 Faculty Recital: Daniel Doña, viola
Monday, March 4
8:00 Moments In Time
8:30 GRS Dissertation Defense of Michelle Lee Bourgeois
10:00 Donuts with CFA Dean Harvey Young
11:00 Robin DiAngelo: What Does It Mean to Be White?
11:00 Robin DiAngelo: What Does It Mean to Be White?
11:45 Tai Chi at Marsh Chapel
12:00 CRLT Players Performance – Cultivating Successful Mentoring Relationships in STEM Labs
12:00 Drop-In Writing Assistance
12:00 Sociology Department Seminar: Twitter Wars & Culture Wars: Teens, Tolerance and the Anti-Bullying Era.
12:00 Twitter Wars & Culture Wars: Teens, Tolerance and the Anti-Bullying Era
12:15 Monday Meditation
1:00 GRS Dissertation Defense of Bryn Schockmel
1:00 WORLD Channel Info Session
2:00 Café Ivrit
5:00 LGBTQ+A
5:30 Ecumenical Night Prayer
6:00 Community Dinner
6:00 Religion on Tap
6:30 In Between, A One-Man Show Written and Performed by Ibrahim Miari
7:30 Jazz Ensembles Concert