City of Jove, Juno, and Minerva
From 135 BCE until the Arab conquest in 638, Jerusalem is ruled by the Roman empire. The city is renamed by emperor Hadrian after the crushing of the last great Jewish rebellion (Bar Kokhba revolt, 132-135CE).
City of Christ Pantocrator
In 324, Emperor Constantine begins the transformation of the Roman empire in to Christian Byzantion. The commemorative churches and basilicas he and his mother, Empress Helena, create in Aelia transform the city into a vivid representation of the life of Christ. The most impressive building is the Anastasis, marking the place where the resurrection of Christ is believed to have taken place. Jerusalem is once again a 'holy city', a magnet to pilgrims from around the Christian world.
Holy City: Jerusalem in time, space and imagination |
Main Jerusalem Timeline > Aelia Capitolina-Symbol of Roman Power |