Charge to the Task Force

The Task Force will be charged with facilitating a set of University-wide discussions about how Boston University can become a more LGBTQIA+ inclusive community for faculty and staff and with developing recommendations to help us meet this objective. Because there is already an established group focused on these issues for BU students, this Task Force will focus its attention on the experience of our employees. Where necessary, however, this Task Force can point to possible areas of overlap and/or opportunities for future exploration.

The charge to the Task Force will include the following:

1. Gather information about effective practices from other major research universities that are also focused on improving the working environment for LGBTQIA+ faculty, including recruitment, retention, and, when and if appropriate, promotion. Likewise, gather information about effective practices from other major research universities and/or corporations that have successfully developed programs and interventions to improve the quality of life for LGBTQIA+ non-faculty staff members. In particular, the Task Force’s recommendations should be sensitive to the differences in rank and type of employee at the University to ensure that recommendations and strategies are as inclusive as possible.

2. Suggest specific ways we can elevate the importance of and relationship between LGBTQIA+ and intersectional identities (race, nationality, religion, ability, etc.), and inclusiveness at Boston University, including recommending strategies to implement promising approaches toward enhancing our culture of holistic inclusiveness.

3. Gather information about any current formal and informal activities at the University—both on the Charles River and Medical campuses-that are focused on LGBTQIA+ faculty and staff. Suggest ways to integrate or expand current activities that may be siloed and/or nascent.

4. Suggest specific ways Boston University can create stronger ties with Boston-based and regional LGBTQIA+ groups and networks.

5. Given the historical complexities regarding the collection and maintenance of identifying lists, gather information about effective intra-group and organization-wide communication practices at other large organizations. Additionally, suggest multi-faceted ways we can develop effective communication strategies with LGBTQIA+ faculty and staff that are sensitive to the limited use of University-wide communications.