List of references related to indigobird research.
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List of references related to indigobird research.
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Balakrishnan CN & Sorenson MD. 2006. Song discrimination suggests premating reproductive isolation among sympatric indigobird species and host races. Behav. Ecol. 17: 473–478.
Balakrishnan CN & Sorenson MD. 2007. Dispersal ecology versus host specialization as determinants of ectoparasite distribution in brood parasitic indigobirds and their estrildid finch hosts. Mol. Ecol. 16: 217-229.
Balakrishnan CN, Sefc KM, & Sorenson MD. 2009. Incomplete reproductive isolation following host shift in brood parasitic indigobirds. Proc. Roy. Soc. London B. 276: 219-228.
Bonnevie BT & Oschadleus HD. 2012. Adaptations in primary wing moult of southern African Viduidae and their hosts (Estrildidae). Ostrich. 83:91-98.
Fry CH & Keith S. 2004. The Birds of Africa, Volume VII: Sparrows to Buntings. Christopher Helm, London.
Klein NK & Payne RB. 1998. Evolutionary associations of brood parasitic finches (Vidua) and their host species: Analyses of mitochondrial DNA restriction sites. Evolution. 52:566–582.
Nicolai J. 1964. Der Brutparasitismus der Viduinae als ethologisches Problem. Z. Tierpsychol. 21:129–204.
Payne RB. 1973. Behavior, mimetic songs and song dialects, and relationships of the parasitic indigobirds (Vidua) of Africa. Ornithol. Monogr. 11: 1–333.
Payne RB. 1982. Species limits in the indigobirds (Ploceidae, Vidua) of West Africa: mouth mimicry, song mimicry, and description of new species. Misc. Pub. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich. 162: 1–96.
Payne RB. 1985. Behavioral coutinuity and change in local song populations of village indigobirds Vidua chalybeata. Z. Tierpsychol. 70: 1–44.
Payne RB. 1996. Field identification of the indigobirds. Bull. Afr. Bird Club 3: 14–25.
Payne RB. 1998. A new species of firefinch Lagonosticta from northern Nigeria and its association with the Jos Plateau indigobird Vidua maryae. Ibis 140: 369–381.
Payne RB. 2005. Nestling mouth markings and colors of Old World finches Estrildidae: mimicry and coevolution of nestling finches and their brood parasite. Misc. Pub. Mus. of Zool. Univ. Mich. 194: 1–45.
Payne RB & Payne K. 1977. Social organization and mating success in local populations of village indigobirds, Vidua chalybeata. Z. Tierpsychol. 45: 113–173.
Payne RB, Payne LL, & Nhlane MED. 1992. Song mimicry and species status of the green widowfinch Vidua codringtoni. Ostrich 63: 86–97.
Payne RB, Payne LL, Nhlane MED, & Hustler K. 1992. Species status and distribution of the parasitic indigo-birds Vidua in east and southern Africa. In Proc. VIII Pan-African Ornithological Congress 1992, pp. 40–52.
Payne RB & Payne LL. 1994. Song mimicry and species associations of West-African indigobirds Vidua with quailfinch Ortygospiza atricollis, goldbreast Amandava subflava and brown twinspot Clytospiza monteiri. Ibis 136: 291–304.
Payne RB & Payne LL. 1995. Song mimicry and association of brood-parasitic indigobirds (Vidua) with Dybowski’s twinspot (Euschistospiza dybowskii). Auk 112: 649–658.
Payne RB, Payne LL, & Woods JL. 1998. Song learning in brood-parasitic indigobirds Vidua chalybeata: song mimicry of the host species. Anim. Behav. 55: 1537–1553.
Payne RB, Payne LL, Woods JL, & Sorenson MD. 2000. Imprinting and the origin of parasite–host species associations in brood-parasitic indigobirds, Vidua chalybeata. Anim. Behav. 59: 69–81.
Payne RB, Woods JL, & Payne LL. 2001. Parental care in estrildid finches: experimental tests of a model of Vidua brood parasitism. Anim. Behav. 62: 473–483.
Payne RB, Hustler K, Sternstedt R, Sefc KM, & Sorenson MD. 2002. Behavioural and genetic evidence of a recent population switch to a novel host species in brood parasitic indigobirds Vidua chalybeata. Ibis 144: 373–383.
Payne RB & Payne LL. 2002. Begging for parental care from another species: behavioural specialization and generalization in brood-parasitic finches. Pages 429–450 in The evolution of begging: competition, cooperation and communication (J. Wright and M. L. Leonard, eds.). Kluwer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
Payne RB & Sorenson MD. 2004. Behavioral and genetic identification of a hybrid Vidua: maternal origin and mate choice in a brood-parasitic finch. Auk 121: 156–161.
Payne RB, Barlow CR, Balakrishnan CN, & Sorenson MD. 2005. Song mimicry of black-bellied firefinch Lagonosticta rara and other finches by brood-parasitic indigobirds Vidua camerunensis in West Africa. Ibis 147: 130–143.
Schuetz JG. 2005. Reduced growth but not survival of chicks with altered gape patterns: implications for the evolution of nestling similarity in a parasitic finch. Anim. Behav. 70: 839–848.
Sefc KM, Payne RB, & Sorenson MD. 2001. Characterization of microsatellite loci in village indigobirds Vidua chalybeata and cross-species amplification in estrildid and ploceid finches. Mol. Ecol. Notes 1: 252–254.
Sefc KM, Payne RB, & Sorenson MD. 2005. Genetic continuity of brood-parasitic indigobird species. Mol. Ecol. 14: 1407–1419.
Sorenson MD & Payne RB. 2001. A single ancient origin of brood parasitism in African finches: implications for host–parasite coevolution. Evolution. 55: 2550–2567.
Sorenson MD & Payne RB. 2002. Molecular genetic perspectives on avian brood parasitism. Integr. Comp. Biol. 42: 388–400.
Sorenson MD, Sefc KM, & Payne RB. 2003. Speciation by host switch in brood parasitic indigobirds. Nature. 424: 928–931.
Sorenson MD, Balakrishnan CN, & Payne RB. 2004. Clade-limited colonization in brood parasitic finches (Vidua spp.). Syst. Biol. 53: 140–153.