Welcome to The Executive Development Roundtable!
Members Only Meetings:
Save the date! Our Spring 2017 Meeting will be held on May 23rd & 24th at the Center for Creative Leadership in Greensboro, NC on the topic of, “Leading From the Future: Listening, Learning and Inclusion for Leading Positive Change”.
Our Fall 2016 EDRT Members Only Meeting was held on November 15 & 16, 2016 at Boston University Questrom School of Business, Boston, MA on the theme, “We are all Millennials: Leadership Across the Generations”. We examined the many leadership challenges of a workplace comprised of five generations, perhaps for the first time ever, contributing and competing together in a global, interconnected world.
At this meeting we also conferred the Marion F. Gislason Award for exemplary contributions to the field of leadership to our dear friend Douglas T. (Tim) Hall, the Friedman Professor in Management at Boston University and the founding director of EDRT.
Once a year, the Marion F. Gislason Award is given to a distinguished individual in the leadership development field for the excellence of his/her work in advancing the state of knowledge or act of practice.
EDRT Members Only Spring 2016 Meeting
“The Body and Mind Connections for High Performance Leadership”
The Spring 2016 EDRT Meeting was held at Garden of the Gods Resort in Colorado Springs, CO on May 3 & 4, 2016. The theme of this meeting was “The Body and Mind Connections for High Performance Leadership,” with the objective of building from our Fall 2015 EDRT Meeting on the neuroscience of mindfulness in leadership development, we actively examined the connections between the body and mind in enabling leaders to achieve high performance today.
Founded in 1988 as an institute at the Questrom School of Business at Boston University devoted to the study of issues in leadership and executive development, the Executive Development Roundtable (EDRT) continues to build a community of executive development professionals who are passionate about the field of leadership and developing world class leaders.
What makes a leader a leader? Can we help leaders improve their skills? Can we identify high potential leaders among our younger staff and help them grow? What traits, issues, worries, experiences and challenges do leaders share? What can a body of academic researchers and real-world practitioners from leading organizations do together to help executives and senior leaders maximize their own and their companies’ potential?
These are the driving questions of EDRT and they continue today.
EDRT operates at the unique intersection of academic research and contemporary real-world business applications. EDRT Members, who represent leading corporate, public and non-profit institutions, have the strategic advantage of learning from and contributing to the latest applied research on how successful executives drive their organizations and why executive development remains a key competitive advantage in business today.
EDRT provides members with a collegial and open environment where upper-level leadership and executive development professionals can discuss best practice solutions, obtain industry-specific benchmarking tools, and gain the overall professional development they need. EDRT meetings, facilitated by world-class speakers and thought leaders on executive development, include closed-door, roundtable discussions of leaders from a wide cross section of industries, where confidential ideas may be shared, where problem-solving is a group effort, and where the sharing of both familiar and unique organizational challenges help build a deeply rewarding network. EDRT faculty, whose work on leadership and executive development is well known and respected throughout academic and practitioner circles, provide corporate members with the tools of solid quantitative and qualitative research, readily applied. Here, long-term learning communities and rich friendships are built.
We celebrated our 25th Anniversary in 2013, but the first 25 years are only the beginning. Flashback through 25 great years of leadership in EDRT, by watching this video commemorating our anniversary. EDRT has grown over the years, with a thriving collaboration with the Center for Creative Leadership, for EDRT members to received premium CCL benefits and content. This alliance was forged in 2010 to extend EDRT’s value proposition and maximize membership opportunities and reach for both Boston University and CCL. Our members are provided full access to CCL’s Leadership Guidebooks, Publications, Webinars, discounts to Open Enrollment Programs and other valuable CCL benefits. More importantly, this alliance strengthens and deepens EDRT’s learning community.
These are exciting times for EDRT! We look forward to working with you to develop the next generation of senior leaders. Thank you for your visit and interest.
Fall 2015
The Fall 2015 EDRT Meeting will be held on November 11 & 12, 2015 at the Hotel Commonwealth in Boston, MA. Extending from our Spring 2015 meeting theme of creativity and innovation in leadership development, we will now examine the neuroscience of leadership to seek ways to foster mindfulness, agility and resilience in contemporary leaders. We will explore current thinking on how the brain works as well as mindfulness practices to enhance our decision-making capabilities to lead in times of complexity and change.
EDRT is very excited to announce that Professor Jessica Payne, the Nancy O’Neill Collegiate Chair in Psychology at the University of Notre Dame, and Dr. Anna Hohler, Associate Professor of Neurology at the Boston University School of Medicine, will be exploring the links between neuroscience, mindfulness and leadership. Marian Ruderman and Cathleen Clerkin from the Center for Creative Leadership will share CCL’s research on the critical success factors and challenges in developing more mindful leaders. We will also hear from leaders who have implemented mindfulness practices in their own organizations, with Deborah Hicks, SVP for the Dana Farber Cancer Institute, and Karen Salvato, Clinical Programs Specialist from Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, along with other EDRT friends and colleagues.
Spring 2015
The EDRT Spring 2015 meeting was on May 12-13, 2015 in Palo Alto, CA. The meeting built upon our Fall 2014 meeting discussion on developing a global leadership mindset and examined the interconnected themes of creativity, innovation, and design thinking in leadership development amidst the specific leadership challenges brought on by our complex world today.
EDRT was hosted at the Institute for the Future’s (IFTF) new design facility and headquarters, and we enjoyed exciting site visits to leading innovative Silicon Valley companies, Google and LinkedIn to explore and examine the ways in which leaders can foster world-class creativity, innovation, and complex problem solving.