IDBR: Simultaneous Tracking of Multiple Particles in Confocal Microscopy

Sponsor: National Science Foundation

Award Number: 0649823

PI: Sean Andersson


This award is for the development of techniques for tracking multiple fluorescing particles simultaneously in a confocal microscope. The project will initially develop algorithms for tracking single fluorescent particles in vitro and inside living cells. Techniques from modern systems and control theory, including limited communication control and optimal estimation, will be built upon to enable tracking of multiple particles simultaneously. The capabilities to be introduced by this project will enable the study of communication between cells, processes inside living cells, and the dynamics of individual molecules and of molecular interactions.

The ability to obtain three-dimensional trajectory information at fine temporal resolution is a vital component for developing a deeper understanding of many processes in molecular biology. The project is multi-disciplinary with both theoretical and experimental components. In addition to support for a female graduate student, modules for a pre-university outreach program will be developed and utilized in a university program targeting academically at-risk students in the 7th and 8th grades. Taking advantage of the large number of biotechnology companies in the greater Boston area, a new freshman level course will be developed for exploring emerging areas of science and technology.