Margrit Betke

Neuro-Autonomy: Neuroscience-inspired Perception, Navigation, and Spatial Awareness for Autonomous Robots

State-of-the-art Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) are trained for specific, well-structured environments and, in general, would fail to operate in unstructured or novel settings. This project aims at developing next-generation AVs, capable of learning and on-the-fly adaptation to environmental novelty. These systems need to be orders of magnitude more energy efficient than current systems and able to pursue complex goals in […]

BIGDATA: IA: Multiplatform, Multilingual, and Multimodal Tools for Analyzing Public Communication in over 100 Languages

In today’s information age, understanding public communication flows around the world is important to United States policy and diplomacy. The challenge for research is to collect, analyze, and interpret information as it is presented worldwide, creating big data that is flowing at high velocity, in large volumes, with much variety in perspective, language, and platforms. […]

BIGDATA: IA: Multiplatform, Multilingual, and Multimodal Tools for Analyzing Public Communication in over 100 Languages

In today’s information age, understanding public communication flows around the world is important to United States policy and diplomacy. The challenge for research is to collect, analyze, and interpret information as it is presented worldwide, creating big data that is flowing at high velocity, in large volumes, with much variety in perspective, language, and platforms. […]