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Srishti Nayak

Graduate Student

I’m a PhD student from New Delhi, India, working on my dissertation research here at the BEE Lab. My research interests include a spectrum of issues related to language, language acquisition, and how language interacts with other areas of cognition in the brain such as attention, planning and memory. I am particularly interested in bilingualism and bidialectalism and how young developing minds and brains are influenced by such environments. I did my undergraduate coursework in Cognitive Science at York University, in Canada, and did a year long exchange program at the National University of Singapore, where I studied linguistics, psychology and philosophy, and ate amazing food from all over Asia. I love traveling, and living in different places, but Boston has quickly become home. I love working with children, and hope to continue in developmental research after completing my PhD here at BU. In my free time, I read a lot of non-fiction comic books and graphic novels, play my bass guitar from time to time, and try to explore new parts of Boston.

Alumni Update: Srishti successfully defended her dissertation in 2017, the first BEE Lab Ph.D. graduate! Dr. Srishti Nayak is now a fellow at Princeton University.

Former Graduate Student
Srishti Nayak