Climate And Weather of the Sun-Earth System

A new SCOSTEP Program for 2004-2008

Useful Acronyms

  • ACE - Advanced Composition Explorer, a research satellite in orbit between Sun & Earth that monitors solar wind and interplanetary magnetic field, among many parameters
  • CAWSES - Climate and Weather of the Sun-Earth-System
  • CD-ROM - Compact Disc-Read Only Memory
  • CME - Coronal Mass Ejection, an explosive process on the solar surface
  • COSMIC - Constellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere, and Climate
  • CRU - Climate Research Unit, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK, a research group that studies long-term changes in global climate, including temperature
  • CSG - CAWSES Steering Groups, working groups of CSSG
  • CSSG - CAWSES Scientific Steering Group, body to plan and implement CAWSES
  • EIT - Extreme Infrared Telescope on satellite SOHO
  • ENA - Energetic Neutral Imaging
  • ENSO - El Nino and Southern Oscillation
  • EPIC - Equatorial Processes Including Coupling
  • EUV - Extreme Ultraviolet, electromagnetic radiation between 2000Å and 40Å
  • EVA - Extravehicular Activity
  • GEO - Geostationary (geosynchronous) orbit above Earth's equator where satellites at about 6.6 Re complete one orbit each 24 hours, hence appear to remain above the same point on Earth's surface -- ideal for weather monitoring and telecommunications services
  • GHCN - Global Historical Climatology Network
  • GISS - Goddard Institute for Space Studies, a NASA institute in New York that performs research into air temperatures measured from satellite and by other means
  • GOES - Geosynchronous Operational Environmental Satellites (USA)
  • GPS - Global Positioning System satellites (USA)
  • IAGA - International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy
  • ICSU - International Council for Science (was International Council of Scientific Unions)
  • IGY - International Geophysical Year, international coordinated study from 1957-1958
  • IMAGE - Imager for Magnetopause-to-Aurora Global Exploration, satellite
  • IMF - Interplanetary Magnetic Field
  • IMS - International Magnetospheric Study, SCOSTEP program from 1976-1979
  • IOC - Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission
  • IQSY - International Quiet Sun Year, international coordinated study from 1964-1965
  • ISCS - International Solar Cycle Study
  • ISTP - International Solar-Terrestrial Program
  • LASCO - Large Aperture Solar Coronal Observatory on satellite SOHO
  • LEO - Low Earth Orbiter, satellites in orbit at a few hundred to 1000 Km altitude
  • LWS - Living With A Star, proposed new NASA multi-satellite program
  • MAP - Middle Atmosphere Program, international coordinated study from 1982-1985
  • NASA - National Aeronautics & Space Administration (USA)
  • NCDC - National Climate Data Center (USA)
  • NGDC - National Geophysical Data Center (USA)
  • NO - Nitric Oxide
  • NOAA - National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (USA)
  • POES - Polar Orbiting Environmental Satellites (USA)
  • PSMOS - Planetary Scale Mesopause Observing System
  • QBO - Quasi-Biennial Oscillation
  • SAO - Southern Atlantic Oscillation
  • SCOSTEP - Scientific Committee on Solar-Terrestrial Physics
  • SES - Sun-Earth-System
  • SMY - Solar Maximum Year, international coordinated program from 1979-1981
  • SOHO - Solar and Heliospheric Observatory research satellite
  • SNOE - Student Nitric Oxide Explorer research satellite
  • SPARC - Stratospheric Processes and their Role in Climate, a program of WCRP
  • S-RAMP - STEP-Results, Applications, and Modeling Phase
  • SSG - Science Steering Group
  • STEP - Solar-Terrestrial Energy Program
  • STP - Solar-Terrestrial Physics
  • TIMED - Thermosphere, Ionosphere, Mesosphere Energetics & Dynamics satellite
  • TRACE - Transition Region and Coronal Explorer, research satellite providing imagery of the solar surface and its eruptive features
  • UARS - Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite
  • UN - United Nations, intergovernmental international body
  • UNEP - United Nations Environment Programme
  • UNESCO - United National Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization
  • UV - Ultraviolet, electromagnetic radiation between 40,000Å and 40Å
  • WCRP - World Climate Research Program, a joint program of WMO, ICSU, and IOC
  • WDC - World Data Centers, a system created by ICSU for IGY and extended to provide international collection, processing, archiving, and distributing of data and data products for all disciplines covered by ICSU scientific programs
  • WMO - World Meteorological Organization, intergovernmental body and specialized agency of the United Nations
  • Yohkoh - "Sunbeam" in Japanese, a research satellite