IS&T RCS Tutorial - Introduction to ArcGIS Pro

ArcGIS Pro is a popular commercial Geographic Information System (GIS) software package used to manage, analyze, and visualize spatial data. This software package has a broad use of applications, including research, emergency response planning, tracking location of utility lines and their condition, and identifying prime locations for cell phone towers or wind turbines. You can also use ArcGIS Pro to publish your maps and results to ArcGIS Online and quickly share your findings with others.In this tutorial I will introduce you to the ArcGIS Pro user interface and explore the basic tools you need to get started. I will work through examples of importing data, exploring the attributes of the data, symbolizing the data, and publishing the data to ArcGIS Online.At the moment, I am not able to provide attendees of this session access to ArcGIS Pro software for free; therefore this tutorial will be presented as a demonstration rather than hands-on. If you wish to obtain a copy of ArcGIS Pro, please see the CAS IT page in regards to obtaining ArcGIS Pro for your machine.Related Tutorials: "Introduction to ArcGIS Online, Part One" "Introduction to ArcGIS Online, Part Two" Learn more about an open source alternative to ArcGIS Pro at "Introduction to QGIS" SQL is a common language used in GIS to filter and retrieve data from databases and can be a useful skill to know. Please check out "Introduction to SQL"

When 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm on Monday, February 22, 2021
Location Zoom - Registered attendees will be emailed the Zoom link approximately two days before the tutorial