***Note: This web page is under construction***
Casadio, Nicholas MacDonald, Jae-Young Kim, Efthalia Traianou
Svetlana Jorstad, Mason Keck
Jeffrey Hodgson, Bong Won Sohn (Korea
Astronomy & Space Inst.)
José Luis Gómez, Iván Agudo, Antonio Fuentes (Inst.
de Astrofísica de Andalucía)
Bremer (Inst. de Radio Astronomique Millimétrique)
Data products available: At this
point, only images of selected blazars at selected epochs are
available, some in total intensity only and others with linear
polarization. At a later stage, this site will post CLEAN
model files and calibrated visibility (uv) data files as well, and will
expand to include all sources and all epochs since the program started
in 2008. The techniques for optimizing the observations and data
analysis required years of refinement before the image quality became
high enough for scientific applications. The collaboration is now
making a concerted effort to apply these techniques retroactively to
the entire data set. If you need access to specific data files before
they become available here, please contact Alan Marscher
Note: Multi-frequency
flux and optical polarization data from the Boston University blazar
monitoring program are available for these objects at individual
VLBA-BU-BLAZAR web pages, accessed via www.bu.edu/blazars/VLBAproject.html.
Spectral energy distributions: Full version of paper
by K.E. Williamson et al. (2014, Astrophysical Journal, vol.789,
article no. 135), including figures and data tables for
all blazars studied. The paper, is entitled "Comprehensive Monitoring
Gamma-ray Bright Blazars. I. Statistical Study of Optical, X-ray, and
Gamma-ray Spectral Slopes."
Note: If you use any of these
images or data
in a publication, please acknowledge via the statement:
This study makes use of 86 GHz Global mm-VLBI Array (GMVA)
data from a collaborative project led by A. Marscher of Boston
University and T. Krichbaum of the Max-Planck-Institut
für Radioastronomie; see website www.bu.edu/blazars/vlbi3mm/.
For more information on blazars, see our research page.
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Go to the personal web pages of: Alan Marscher ---- Svetlana Jorstad