Volunteering and Outreach

Volunteering at Steps to Success

Steps to Success in Brookline is a non-profit organization with the goal of providing educational equality for low-income students. Steps to success has an After Hour University (AHU) program which has proven to not only prevent dropouts, but also increase the likelihood of students attending college. PhD students in the Bioinformatics Program have dedicated sessions every week to promote STEM education for Steps to Success at Pierce Elementary School and Lincoln School. The volunteers create fun and innovative activities to teach scientific concepts. 

We are currently looking for volunteers from every department to increase the breadth of topics and to support more students. We would love to hear your ideas! Watch this cool video to learn more about Steps to Success

If you are interested in volunteering, whether it be creating curriculum or teaching, please contact Sami Clayton (samic@bu.edu).


If you are interested in donating to Steps to Success, please visit: https://stepstosuccessbrookline.kindful.com/