Silber Way Exhibition 2023/2024

All exhibited pieces are listed below in the order (L to R) in which they are displayed on the 8th and 9th floors of the 1 Silber Way Administration Building.

If you are interested in purchasing one of the pieces, please contact our office at or 617-358-0489 for the artists contact information.

8th Floor Exhibit: 

Scroll down for the pieces on the 9th floor

Yaming Jiang (Student‘23)
The Fish My Grandmother Planted, Yet Unseen, 2022
Watercolor and gouache on paper
12 x 16 inches


Diann Johnson((Alumni ‘04))
Reflections, 2022
12″ x 16″

Jenna Reidl (Student ‘24)
The Stars Are Not So Neatly Planned, 2022
Acrylic on canvas
2ft x 2ft

Sushmita Udoshi (Student ‘24)
Zoom, 2023
Photograph – Kodak Gold 200
8×10 inches

Tim King (Staff)
Isosceles, 2022
cyanotype, watercolor
.3′ x .5′

Yiduo Feng (Student ‘23)
No Words, 2023
0.5 x 0.3

9th Floor Exhibit

Amit Sethi  (Faculty)
The last day of February, 2023


Maria Cuneo (Student ‘15 x Staff)
Habanera, 2021
Sacred Hearts, 2023
11.5” x 9.5”

Dowon Suh (Student ‘24)
Fly away, 2022
8 x 16.5 in.

Rayna Walters (Student ’23)
Hybrid Tea Rose, 2021
1.75’x .75′

Deidre Fisher (Staff)
Papa’s Tools, 2023
16 inches x 20 inches

Amit Sethi (Faculty)
Reflections, 2022