Study Retreat

9:00 am on Saturday, September 13, 2014
Marsh Chapel
Marsh Room
Contact Organization:
Marsh Chapel
Contact Name:
Br. Larry Whitney
Contact Phone:
Marsh Chapel Study Retreats provide an opportunity to unite head and heart by putting study in the context of spiritual practice. Breakfast and lunch are provided, as is dinner during the final retreat at the end of term. The day begins with breakfast and Morning Prayer during which participants articulate what they intend to accomplish during the day. After a substantial period of study, participants gather for Mid-Day Prayer followed by lunch and then another study period. The day ends with Evening Prayer during which participants check in about what they accomplished, celebrating successes and encouraging one another to keep working toward unmet goals. The theme of our retreats this semester is "Howard Thurman: The Growing Edge." Participation in Study Retreats is free of charge and available to any Boston University student.