Each year, the University recognizes a handful of promising junior educators who are seen as future leaders within their respective fields. Made possible by the generous support of donors, alumni, and BU’s Technology Development office, the Career Development Professorships come with funding awards to support the scholarly and creative endeavors of these up-and-coming professors:
- Five junior faculty received Peter Paul Career Development Professorships, given to outstanding junior faculty to support research and scholarly or creative work for three years:
- LAW Associate Professor Portia Pedro explores how judicial incentives and the design of the court system affect marginalized groups.
- SPH Assistant Professor Megan Cole studies healthcare coverage for Medicaid and safety-net populations.
- LAW Associate Professor Ahmed Ghappour is an expert in the modern surveillance state and cybersecurity.
- CAS Assistant Professor Victor Kumar researches ethics, moral philosophy, and psychology.
- MED Assistant Professor Charlene Ong is using artificial intelligence to create a personalized risk assessment for stroke patients.
- April Hughes, CAS assistant professor of religion, was awarded the East Asia Studies Career Development Professorship. Hughes explores Buddhism and its relationship to rulership in medieval China.
- Hugo Aparicio, MED assistant professor of neurology who researches the impact of lifestyle factors on stroke survival, received the Aram V. Chobanian Assistant Professorship.
- Wenchao Li, ENG assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering, was awarded the Peter J. Levine Career Development Professorship. Li studies safety and reliability in driverless cars and manufacturing robots.