Conference Sites & Transportation

Conference Locations:

Conference rooms for Thursday 22 Sept. (only) will be at or near Harvard University’s Barker Center, 12 Quincy St., Cambridge MA 02138.

Conference rooms for Friday 23 Sept. through Sunday 25 Sept. (Boston University) will be located within .4 km of 675 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, Massachusetts 02215.


Traveling from Hotel to Conference:

Travel from hotels to conference rooms from Fri. through Sun. will be on foot (ca. 1.5 km) or by streetcar/subway. To reach Thursday’s events, however, which are ca. 5 km distant from the hotels, subway or taxi are suggested.

  • Most of the conference events will be at Boston University, in the city of Boston (near its border with the city of Brookline).
  • The first day’s events (Thu. 22 Sept.) will be held at Harvard University, in the city of Cambridge, about 6 km away. This is about 5 km from the recommended hotels; it can be reached in about 15 minutes by taxi (ca. $20) or about 40 minutes by subway.
  • Two of the recommended lodgings listed below are in the city of Brookline, which borders Boston; these hotels are approximately the same distance from the Boston University conference rooms as the hotels in Boston are
    and are likewise served by streetcars.


Navigating the MBTA:

The subway/streetcar in Boston is called the “T” by local residents (short for MBTA, “Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority”) and stations are identified on Google Maps and many other maps with the letter T in a circle.

The part of the network near Boston University and conference hotels is the Green Line, which branches at Kenmore Station into B, C and D branches. The Green Line branches of interest in booking hotels are the B line (conference site) and the C line (Bertram Inn, Sewall Inn, Holiday Inn). (The Buckminster and Commonwealth hotels are located at Kenmore Station where the three branches join together; Hostel International is one stop away on the unified Green Line.)

Click here to download a subway map.
