QBP Journal Club

Schedule for Fall 2018–Spring 2019

The journal club will meet in ERB (44 Cummington Street) room 401; this semester, we will read a paper from each department seminar speaker prior to their talk.

Current Schedule:

  • September 5: Del Bonis-O’Donnell J.T., Thakrar A., Hirschberg J.W., et al. (2018). DNA-Stabilized Silver Nanoclusters as Specific, Ratiometric Fluorescent Dopamine Sensors. ACS Chem Neurosci. 9(4), 849-857. Download Paper
  • October 3: Jain A., Betancur M., Patel G. D., Valmikinathan C. M., Mukhatyar V. J., Vakharia A., et al. (2014). Guiding intracortical brain tumour cells to an extracortical cytotoxic hydrogel using aligned polymeric nanofibres. Nat. Mater. 13, 308–316.  Download Paper
  • October 10: Churchland M. M., Cunningham J. P., Kaufman M. T., Foster J. D., Nuyujukian P., Ryu S. I., et al. (2012). Neural population dynamics during reaching. Nature 487, 51–56.  Download Paper
  • October 31:  Huang H., Qian Y., & Del Vecchio D. (2018). A quasi-integral controller for adaptation of genetic modules to variable ribosome demand. Nature Communications. 9, 5415.  Download Paper
  • Upcoming meetings TBA

Archive for Fall 2018–Spring 2019

  • September 20:  Wang Y., Gunasekara D.B., Reed M.I., DiSalvo M., Bultman S.J., Sims C.E., Magness S.T., & Allbritton N.L. (2017). A microengineered collagen scaffold for generating polarized crypt-villus architecture of human small intestinal epithelium. Biomaterials. 128, 44-55.  Download Paper
  • October 11:  Klingberg F., Chau G., Walraven M., Boo S., Koehler A., Chow M.L., Olsen A.L., Im M., Lodyga M., Wells R.G., White E.S., & Hinz B. (2018.) The fibronectin ED-A domain enhances recruitment of latent TGF-beta-binding protein-1 to the fibroblast matrix. Journal of Cell Science. 131.  Download Paper
  • December 12: Koh A., Kang D., Xue Y., Lee S., Pielak R.M., Kim J., Hwang T., Min S., Banks A., Bastien P., et al. (2016). A soft, wearable microfluidic device for the capture, storage, and colorimetric sensing of sweat. Sci. Transl. Med. 8:366ra165.  Download Paper

Archive for Fall 2017–Spring 2018

  • October 24: Jungmann R., Avendano M.S., Woehrstein J.B., Dai M., Shih W.M., & Yin P. (2014). Multiplexed 3D cellular super-resolution imaging with DNA-PAINT and exchange-PAINT. Nat. Methods. 11, 313–318. Download Paper
  • October 31: Canavesi C., Cogliati A., Hayes A., Tankam P., Santhanam A., & Rolland J.P. (2017). 3D wide field-of-view Gabor-domain optical coherence microscopy advancing real-time in-vivo imaging and metrology. Proc. SPIE 10053, Optical Coherence Tomography and Coherence Domain Optical Methods in Biomedicine XXI, 100530Z. Download Paper
  • November 28: Betzel R.F. & Bassett D.S. (2016). Multi-scale brain networks. Neuroimage. 160, 73-83. Download Paper
  • December 12: Richardson S.M., Mitchell L.A., Stracquadanio G., Yang K., Dymond J.S., DiCarlo J.E., Lee D., Huang C.L.V., Chandrasegaran S., Cai Y., et al. (2017). Design of a synthetic yeast genome. Science. 355, 1040–1044. Download Paper