Populism and the Future of Liberal Democracy in the West - A Lecture by Sheri Berman

This talk will analyze various explanations for growing dissatisfaction with liberal democracy and rising populism in the West. It will discuss some of the main causes put forward by scholars and pundits, assess the evidence for these various causes, and suggest some ways the research agenda and our understandings of these crucial phenomena can move forward. Sheri Berman is a professor of Political Science at Barnard College, Columbia University. Her research interests include European history and politics; the development of democracy; populism and fascism; and the history of the left. Moderated by Cathie Jo Martin, Professor of Political Science and Director of the Center for the Study of Europe at Boston University.

Speaker(s): Sheri Berman
Thursday, Sep 20, 2018 at 4:00pm until 5:30pm on Thursday, Sep 20, 2018
Pardee School of Global Studies, 121 Bay State Road (1st floor)
Open to General Public
Admission is free
More Info http://www.bu.edu/european/news/calendar/?eid=216658
Center for the Study of Europe
Elizabeth Amrien
Boston University

