Our Spring 2017 Newsletter has just been released

To see what our lab has been up and read about more about our work during 2016, please click on this link: Social Learning Lab Spring Newsletter

Religious Cognition Conference held in Georgetown University 

Dr. Jennifer Clegg, Dr. Ayse Payir, and graduate student Kelly Yixin Cui presented their posters at the Religious Cognition Conference held in Georgetown University. 


Doctoral student Kelly Cui and postdoctoral associate Dr Ayse Payir presented a poster exploring the “Open-mindedness of Religious Iranian Parents”.


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Kelly Cui and postdoctoral associate Dr Jennifer Clegg presented a poster invesitgating “The impact of religiosity on parents’ beliefs about the existence of unobservable entities in the U.S. and China”.

Association for Psychological Science

Dr Jennifer Clegg and Dr Ayse Payir organized a symposium around the topic of “Understanding What Is and What is Possible: Examining the impact of Cognitive Biases and Religious Experience on the Understanding of Possibility Across Cultures and Individuals”.



Left to right: Doctoral Student Kelly Cui, Postdoctoral Associates Dr Ayse Payir and Dr Jennifer Clegg and the Social Learning Lab Principal Investigator Dr Kathleen Corriveau.

SED Teaching & Research Conference


Members of the Social Learning Lab presented at Boston University’s School of Education (SED) Conference this April.


Doctoral student, Ian Campbell presented a poster exploring ‘What factors lead children to trust text-based testimony over oral testimony?’

This won the Best Poster Award during the evening. Congrats to Ian and his team!


Undergraduate students, Emily Peters and Olivia King, presented ‘An Examination of Racial Constancy and Essentialist Reasoning among Black and Biracial children’



EPA Poster Conference

A group of us presented at the Eastern Psychological Association (EPA) poster conference this weekend. Our two lab managers, Rosie Brett and Amy Macmillan, and two of our Research Assistants, Stephanie Santos and Emily Peters, presented their work at this year’s meeting, held at the Park Plaza Hotel.


Rosie Brett presented ‘The role of expertise and explanation quality in children’s evaluation of informants’

Amy Macmillan presented ‘How do parental religious beliefs affect children’s religious and scientific learning environments?’

Stephanie Santos presented ‘Biracial Children are More Prosocial When Primed with their Majority Race’

Emily Peters presented ‘The Developmental Trajectory of Racial Constancy’



B.R.A.I.N Day

This weekend the SLL also attended Boston University’s B.R.A.I.N Day, hosted by the Mind and Brain Society. Here, we spoke to attendees about the work we do and the wonders of the brain and mind.




Our Fall Newsletter has just been released!

To see what our lab has been up and read about more about our work during 2016, please click on the link above.




UROP Symposium

Congratulations to two of our wonderful Research Assistants, Teresa Tam and Stephanie Santos, for having their work featured at this year’s Undergraduate Research Symposium!


‘Emergent Critical Thinking and Executive Functions: An Exploration of Potential Co-Development’

Teresa Tam


‘Biracial Children are More Prosocial When Primed with their Majority Race’

Stephanie Santos
