
If you have content that you believe is appropriate to share with the BU community about educational technologies and their impact on higher education, please send a note to Prof. Azer Bestavros, who is maintaining this feed.

The Trouble with English

By Azer Bestavros
January 8th, 2013

This article presents a point of view (provocative as it may) about the need for... More

MOOCs not (yet) Lucrative

By Azer Bestavros
January 8th, 2013

The New York Times has an article that looks at the business models of MOOCs:... More

On MOOC Business Models

By Azer Bestavros
January 2nd, 2013

The Wall Street Journal published an article that examines MOOC business models -- ways in... More

End of University as We Know It

By Azer Bestavros
January 1st, 2013

This article in the January/February issue of The American Interest Magazine argues that "the higher... More

Higher Ed: An Obituary

By Azer Bestavros
December 31st, 2012

The New Criterion published an article on the future of higher education in the Internet... More

What College Could Be Like

By Azer Bestavros
December 27th, 2012

Salman Khan, founder of the Khan Academy, discusses his view of College of the Future... More

MOOCs scaling what’s broken?

By Azer Bestavros
December 18th, 2012

This Chronicle of Higher Education contrasts the technology and business perspective of MOOCs. Quoting: "Making... More

UK Universities Form Consortium

By Azer Bestavros
December 14th, 2012

A group of U.K. universities, lead by the Open University (O.U.) — the U.K.’s distance... More

Platform lets profs price courses

By Azer Bestavros
December 12th, 2012

The Chronicle of Higher Education has an interesting article about yet-another model for on-line courses, More

Badges for military skills

By Azer Bestavros
December 12th, 2012

It can be difficult for veterans to explain the skills and training they received in... More

MOOCs for Liberal Arts Education

By Azer Bestavros
December 6th, 2012

Inside Higher Education published an article that shows the open, exploratory way that liberal arts... More

Online Learning Studies Review

By Azer Bestavros
November 23rd, 2012

The Department of Education published a "Meta-Analysis and Review of Online Learning Studies", entitled  Evaluation of Evidence-Based Practices... More

Sociology’s perspective on MOOCs

By Azer Bestavros
November 21st, 2012

Here is the first in a series of articles that the NYTimes is publishing on... More

Consortium to offer online course credit

By Azer Bestavros
November 15th, 2012

A consortium of "top-tier universities" are banding together to offer credit-bearing fully online courses through... More

Gates Foundation promotes MOOCs

By Azer Bestavros
November 14th, 2012

The clearest path to college credit for massive open online courses may soon be through... More

MOOCs evaluated for college credit

By Azer Bestavros
November 14th, 2012

CHE published an article entitled: American Council on Education May Recommend Some Coursera Offerings for College... More

On aggregating content

By Azer Bestavros
November 14th, 2012

The Chronicle of Higher Education published an article about yet another Dot-Com aiming to "drive... More

Napster, Udacity, and the Academy

By Azer Bestavros
November 12th, 2012

A provocative article by Clay Shirky (writer, consultant and teacher on the social and economic... More

E-textbooks log student reading habits

By Azer Bestavros
November 12th, 2012

This article in the Chronicle of Higehr Education discusses how e-Textbooks could be used to... More

Elite education at half price?!

By Azer Bestavros
November 11th, 2012

A start-up called the Minerva Project is setting up an online university in which students live... More

The Crisis in Higher Education

By Azer Bestavros
November 9th, 2012

The Crisis in Higher Education is an article published in MIT Technology Review which attempts... More

How “open” are MOOCs?

By Azer Bestavros
November 8th, 2012

How ‘Open’ Are MOOCs? discusses the “fine prints” in the terms of service for MOOCs... More

Helping students teach themselves

By Azer Bestavros
November 6th, 2012

This is an interesting blog on How technology is helping students teach themselves?! One quote from... More

A Lecture Heard ‘Round The World

By Azer Bestavros
November 6th, 2012

BU Today published an article summarizing the work of the Council on Educational Technology and... More

Future of the trillion-dollar education business?

By Azer Bestavros
November 5th, 2012

Technology Review published an article entitled The Most Important Education Technology in 200 Years which... More

Year of the MOOC

By Azer Bestavros
November 4th, 2012

The NYT published an article entitled “The Year of the MOOC” -- a  good read to... More

The University of the Future

By Azer Bestavros
October 29th, 2012

Ernst & Young published an interesting report on “The University of the Future”. The report is... More

The Siege of Academe

By Azer Bestavros
October 17th, 2012

For years, Silicon Valley has failed to breach the walls of higher education with disruptive... More

Announcing New Council on Educational Technology & Learning Innovation

By awhipple
October 16th, 2012

TO: Boston University Community FROM: Robert A. Brown, President Jean Morrison, University Provost SUBJECT: Council on Educational Technology and Learning Innovation DATE: October... More

Stanford and MOOCs

By Azer Bestavros
October 15th, 2012

Stanford president John L. Hennessy delivered a provocative keynote speech, "The Coming Tsunami in Educational Technology,"... More