4-Day New Course Development Institute

  • Starts: 9:00 am on Thursday, August 16, 2018
  • Ends: 4:00 pm on Thursday, August 16, 2018
The four-day New Course Development Institute prepares BU Hub faculty to develop exceptional new courses by providing them with knowledge, skills, and a supportive community of faculty from across the university. Throughout the institute, faculty will identify the appropriate BU Hub learning outcomes and think through how the new course will offer students the opportunity to achieve them; experiment with active learning strategies and teaching technologies; develop discipline-specific classroom strategies and assessments appropriate for the BU Hub; learn effective feedback techniques; and discover the science of student motivation and student learning. By the end of the institute, faculty will have completed or nearly completed a syllabus for their new BU Hub course. Participation in this workshop is stipended at $3,000 and is contingent upon successful submission of the course to the University Council General Education Committee by the faculty member’s school or college.
Kilachand Center for Integrated Life Sciences & Engineering, Room 106C