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Katie Koestner presents “She Just Sexted Me an Hour Ago!” Social Media, Video and Technology Related Sexual Misconduct

Learn about boundary setting, healthy relationships, positive communication, and mutual respect in a technology-saturated world. Understand what constitutes sexual harassment, cyber-stalking, cyber-harassment, sexual exploitation, and other legal and policy violations pertaining to relationships. Discover how to become a proactive bystander in a digital world and a productive digital citizen. Explore potential foibles of sexting and transmission of inappropriate content through technology. Have fun, and associate having fun with positive choices!

When 7:30 pm on Thursday, April 4, 2013
Building School of Hospitality Adminstration
Room 110
Contact Name Jenna Vaillancourt
Phone 6173537277
Contact Email jvail@bu.edu
Contact Organization SARP
Fees Free