The Nile Project: Musical Cultures of the Nile Basin

Conceived by Egyptian Ethnomusicologist Mina Girgis and Ethiopian American singer Meklit Hadero in 2011, the Nile Project is a mesmerizing concert featuring the diverse musical cultures from the Nile Basin. The Nile Project's mission is “educate, inspire, and empower the citizens of the Nile basin to foster the sustainability of the Nile River ecosystem” through music. Eleven artists from the countries bordering the Nile river collaborated to bring to life a sound melting melodies and rhythms from each of their unique musical backgrounds. The impact of their united front is telling of the power of collaboration in the face of political unrest. Through the strength of their voices and texture of their instruments, these musicians work to approach the issues of water politics and cultural conflict and to encourage artists and audiences alike to hear the product of a harmonious cultural collision.

When 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm on Friday, April 14, 2017
Building GSU, 775 Commonwealth Ave
Room BU Central
Contact Name Marié Abe
Phone 5102827465
Contact Email
Contact Organization Department of Musicology and Ethnomusicology
Fees Free
Open To Students faculty staff