SFA's Two Shakespearean Actors at the BU Theatre Mainstage, December 13 through 17

Vol. IV No. 16   ·   8 December 2000   

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What's hot on the BU Web: the School of Management

What do you get when you cross a tough-as-nails Terrier with a cutting-edge Razorfish? Hint: it's not a Terrorfish.

A striking new School of Management Web site - - is the product of a unique partnership between the University and
Razorfish, a Cambridge-based, internationally renowned digital solutions provider. Designed to help promote the School's new MS.MBA dual degree program, the site made its debut last month.


With a dazzle of chartreuse and blue, information-rich links, and lively candid images of SMG students, the new site resembles nothing else on the BU Web. Razorfish dedicated more than 30 employees and 7 months to its development, but didn't charge the University a cent. The pro bono arrangement benefits both the company and the University. Razorfish strengthens existing ties to a top-flight management school - a dozen SMG grads are already Terriers-turned-Razorfish - and adds extensive work for an educational client to its creative portfolio. SMG, in turn, strengthens its ties to a company at the technological vanguard, and gets a stunning, state-of-the-art Web site in the process.


8 December 2000
Boston University
Office of University Relations