Available video data

The following files contain glosses of some of the ASL sentences (as signed by native signers of ASL) that have been collected in the National Center for Sign Language and Gesture Resources at Boston University, along with links to enable viewing or downloading the corresponding QuickTime movies (compressed). These data are also available in other formats. More complete transcriptions (produced through use of SignStream) of many of these sentences will be available soon.

The sentences in the files listed below happen to correspond to examples discussed in publications of the American Sign Language Linguistic Research project.

Examples from Neidle, C., J. Kegl, D. MacLaughlin, B. Bahan, and R.G. Lee (2000) The Syntax of American Sign Language: Functional Categories and Hierarchical Structure. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.

Compressed video files

Data in SignStream export format

SignStream database file
(in MacBinary format)

requires SignStream application

(Place movie files in the same directory as the SignStream database file.)

Chapter 3

available here

available here

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

to be made available

to be made available

Chapter 6

to be made available

to be made available

Chapter 7

to be made available

to be made available

Examples from Bahan, B., J. Kegl, R.G. Lee, D. MacLaughlin, and C. Neidle (2000) The Licensing of Null Arguments in American Sign Language. Linguistic Inquiry 31:1, 1-27.

Compressed video files

Data in SignStream export format

SignStream database file

LI examples

to be made available

to be made available


Examples from MacLaughlin, D., C. Neidle, B. Bahan, and R. G. Lee (2000, in press) Morphological Inflections and Syntactic Representations of Person and Number in ASL. In M. Blondel and L. Tuller (eds), Recherches linguistiques de Vincennes 29 : Langage et surdité, 73-100.

Compressed video files

Data in SignStream export format

SignStream database file

Rlv examples

to be made available

to be made available