Hidden HERstories

Hidden HERstories

The ‘Hidden HERstories’ project is a new initiative from the ARROWS program that aims to share the stories of women in STEM from across BU’s 175+ year history. Check out the profiles below to learn more about the different art pieces and the women they’re celebrating.

The goal of this project is to increase the number of media material around the university’s STEM spaces that highlight women, and to provide students, faculty and staff with physical testaments to the ways that women have always been a part of BU’s STEM legacy.

[Note: The first Hidden HERstories art pieces are being installed across campus during May 2022, and photos of the pieces will be added to this page when available. Until then, the “Image Coming Soon” graphic will serve as a placeholder.]


Beyond Bystanders

Astronomy –
Priscilla Fairfield Bok

Priscilla Fairfield Bok was an accomplished astronomer and researcher who graduated from Boston University with an A.B. degree in 1918…

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Beyond Bystanders

Biology –
Helen Thayer

Helen Thayer graduated from Boston University with an A.B. degree in 1910 and was one of the earliest women math and science teachers in the Watertown area…

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Beyond Bystanders

Chemistry –
Helen Stevens

Helen Stevens was a chemist who graduated from Boston University with her A.B. degree in 1905 and began working in the Chemistry department…

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Beyond Bystanders

College of Engineering –
Anne Everest Wojtkowski

Anne Everest Wojtkowski was the first woman to graduate from the College of Engineering (then College of Industrial Technology) in 1956…

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