IS&T SCV Tutorial - Introduction to Research Data Management

This tutorial will introduce attendees to the basics of research data management best practices and to the resources available at Boston University for data management. Topics will include data movement and storage, backups, file formats, metadata, data organization, provenance, archiving, sharing, access control, and dissemination. New government rules dictate that research grant related data must be tracked, disseminated and preserved. We will introduce a storage model based on the attributes of cost, performance and reliability. The tutorial will demonstrate types of data and how to manage them: structured, unstructured and versioned. Attendees will be shown the types of storage offered by BU, how the offerings fit into the storage model and how to apply for new storage. We will demonstrate practical data management tools like Evernote, Mekentosj Papers, Git and GitHub.

Register by: 2/10/2014
When 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm on Monday, February 10, 2014
Building 111 Cummington Mall
Room B27
Contact Email
Contact Organization IS&T SCV
Fees Free
Speakers Jennifer Ryan and Don Johnson