Review the following section for information about required components and syllabi statements, and recommended information and policies.
All syllabi for BU Wheelock courses must include the following information:
- Instructor name
- Contact information (e.g.
- Office location
- Office hours
- Course dates
- Course time
- Course location
- Course credits
- Syllabi statements (see below)
- Teaching Assistant (TA) for in-person courses/Teaching Facilitator (TF) for online courses/Teaching Fellow/Grader (if applicable)
- Course objectives
- List and link to larger program learning outcomes
- Instructional format, course pedagogy, and approach to learning
- Books and other course materials
- Provide complete citations, as well as where to purchase (Barnes & Noble or alternative)
- Distinguish clearly between required, recommended, and optional purchases
- Assignments and grading criteria
- Describe assignments, papers, class participation, and examinations as applicable, and provide a clear summary of percentage weights for each category
- Include any rubrics you will use to evaluate student work
- Resources/Support/How to succeed in the course
- Office hours, tutoring, etc.
- Accommodations for students with documented disabilities
- Course members’ responsibility for ensuring a positive learning environment
- Attendance & absences
- Clearly state your attendance policy, limit on absences, etc.
- Include any implications of class attendance on grading
- List all unusual required meetings (e.g. field trips, guest speakers)
- Affirm policy on religious observance
- Assignment completion & late work
- Detail your policy regarding how students should submit assignments (in person, by email, on courseware site, etc.)
- Include how you will address late work, missed exams, etc.
Detail of class meetings should include:
- Date
- Lecture/discussion topics
- Readings due
- Assignments due
- Expected preparation for that meeting
- Statement that schedules and topics are subject to change, and describe provisions for timely notification to students of any changes
Required Syllabi Statements
Grading scale
All BU Wheelock courses that use a numeric scale shall adhere to the same percentage point scale below for assigning final letter grades in courses.
A 94 – 100%
A- 90 – 93.9%
B+ 87 – 89.9%
B 84 – 86.9%
B- 80 – 83.9%
C+ 77 – 79.9%
C 74 – 76.9%
C- 70 – 73.9%
D 60 – 69.9%
F 0 – 59.9%
(Approved by Faculty Assembly 3/6/19)
Accommodations for Students With Disabilities Statement
BU Wheelock is committed to equal access for students with disabilities. If students have a specific disability that requires accommodations, they are advised to inform their instructor early in the semester so that appropriate accommodations can be identified. Students must provide their instructor with a letter of needed accommodations prepared by the Office of Disability & Access Services (ODAS). Call ODAS at (617) 353-3658 V/TTY or email at All discussions and written materials will be kept confidential.
(Approved by Faculty Assembly 3/18/09)
BU Academic Conduct Code
Academic integrity is the bedrock of any scholarly community. The objective of Boston University in enforcing academic rules is to promote a community atmosphere in which learning, and the pursuit of knowledge can best take place.
As articulated in the Academic Conduct Code: “All students at Boston University are expected to maintain high standards of academic honesty and integrity. It is the responsibility of every student to be aware of the Academic Conduct Code’s contents and to abide by its provisions.” Access the code at:
In general, academic misconduct is conduct by which students misrepresent their academic accomplishments or impede other students’ opportunities to be judged fairly for their academic work. Students should pay particular attention to the rules regarding plagiarism, group work, submission of work to more than one course without permission, and how they conduct themselves in a professional field-based experience, internship, teaching, or research-related experience. If students have any questions about academic integrity or how it applies to the assignments within a specific course, they should consult their instructor.
(Approved by Faculty Assembly, 2015)
Confidential Title X
Boston University recognizes that sexual assault, harassment, discrimination, and other forms of sexual misconduct can have a profound impact on a person’s personal, academic, and work life. The University encourages any student coping with such a situation, and who is uncertain of their options or simply needs help, to call one of the following
confidential resources:
On Campus
Off Campus
Nonconfidential Disclosure to Title IX Coordinator
Boston University is committed to fostering an environment that is free from all forms of sexual misconduct. Any concerns, questions, or disclosures related to sexual misconduct can be directed to any of the BU Wheelock
Title IX Deputy Coordinators or reported to Boston University through
Sexual Misconduct Reporting.
All disclosures of sexual or gender-based violence or harassment on or off campus made to faculty, teaching assistants, or other University employees must be reported to the BU Title IX Coordinator (617-353-9286). For more information, consult the Boston University Title IX Policy.
(Approved by Faculty Assembly, 11/27/18)
Student Services and ATLAS Syllabus Statements
Faculty are encouraged to include these statements about Student Services and the ATLAS program on their syllabi:
Student Services
The Student Services team helps students from all academic programs to meet challenges and achieve goals as they progress toward earning their degree. If you are in need of academic support, have questions about navigating academic policies and procedures, or are considering academic options outside BU Wheelock, please contact Student Services. We also provide individualized consultations, workshops on academic and professional skills, and connect students to key resources across the University. Email or call 617-353-3177.
ATLAS Referral Program
The ATLAS Referral and Outreach Program can help you stay on track and achieve success. ATLAS will provide an opportunity for faculty to alert students electronically to any concerns that may impede a student’s success. For example, if you are struggling with things like academic performance, attendance, or class participation, your professor can submit the referral to share this concern with you and activate support through the Student Services Office.
Student Services will reach out and offer to help you assess your situation and access the support you may need to get back on track. The ATLAS referral program is designed for students enrolled in part-time or full-time programs at BU Wheelock and can be used by professors as often as needed.
Recommended Syllabus Information & Policies
Credit Hours
To satisfy governmental and accreditation requirements, faculty should keep in mind that one hour of contact with students (during scheduled class meeting time) is equated to one earned credit; there is a 1:1 correspondence rule preferred in higher education institutions.
If your 4-credit course is scheduled for 2 hours and 45 minutes, once a week, for example, over a typical 15-week semester, you have to identify other ways in which students will work outside of the class meeting time to achieve the learning objectives and outcomes of the course equivalent to an hour and 15 minutes. Please remember that satisfying contact hours is separate from traditional homework assignments or test preparation. It could include student attending conferences with instructor, teaching lessons in the field, participating in online modules, analyzing films, meeting in peer groups, preparing group projects, and visiting local sites related to course content. Faculty members should identify how students can satisfy the additional contact hours.
Below are sample statements to include in your syllabus. Please adjust the time based on course credits and course delivery.
Credit Hour Explanation Sample Statements
- 4-Credit-Hour Explanation
This course is a 4-credit course. It has a scheduled course lecture/discussion time of 2 hours and 45 minutes per week. Students are expected to engage in an additional 1-hour and 15 minutes of course-related work each week during the semester.
- 2-Credit-Hour Explanation
This course is a 2-credit course. It has a scheduled course lecture/discussion time of 1 hour and 30 minutes per week. Students are expected to engage in an additional 30 minutes of course-related work each week during the semester.
Equity, Diversity & Inclusion
BU Wheelock is committed to advancing equity, diversity, and inclusion at all levels across the College and University. Learn more about
events and resources.
Office Hours and Communication
We recommend that you include a statement about your email response expectations (e.g., students can expect a response within 24-48 hours) and office hours availability. Typically, office hours are most helpful for students when they are offered several times per week during various times of the day or by appointment. We recommend a combination of in-person and virtual hours.
Names and Pronouns
Students have the right to use a chosen name that reflects their identity. Boston University has provided instructions for students to change or modify the name that appears on Blackboard courses and throughout the University systems.
Blackboard Personal Settings
Change How Your Name Appears (These instructions relate to how your name, nickname, and pronouns appear across a variety of platforms at BU).