Course Evaluations
Information about Anthology (formerly Campus Labs)
- All instructors are responsible for having students complete course evaluations at the end of each semester that the course is taught.
- This online evaluation system is accessed with a BU user name & Kerberos password.
- All evaluations are anonymous.
- If you do not have a BU email address you will not be able to participate in the online course evaluation trial.
- Once the online portal has closed and BU Wheelock/IS&T has compiled the data instructors will be able to access compiled evaluations by logging in with their Kerberos name and password here,
- Students not in attendance during evaluation period or that don’t complete a course evaluation will be sent an email follow-up to complete it.
- Instructors are able to access all their previous course evaluations that have been administered through the online trial by logging into the same site and selecting different semesters using the drop-down menu.
Guidelines for the Proper Administration of Course Evaluations
- Return all graded work to students before asking them to fill out the evaluation forms. This does not apply to end-of-term work like final papers or examinations.
- Instructors may create an additional, personalized sheet requesting feedback on certain readings, assignments, or instructional practices. These can be returned to instructors by the Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs following the submission of the completed evaluations.
- Remind students to bring a phone, tablet, or laptop to the last class in order to administer the evaluation.
- Be sure to leave at least 20-30 minutes of class time, in the beginning or middle of class, to complete the evaluation.
- Appoint one or two student proctors to read the “In-Class Instructions for Online Course Evaluation” (below). Make sure the proctor(s) understands the process of administering the evaluation.
- Post or project the course evaluation link along with the course number and section of the course on the board in the classroom. If necessary, explain the differences in filling out each section of the form for course/instructor and filling out other forms, such as the evaluation for field supervisors or teaching assistants.
- As soon as students begin to fill out the evaluation forms, instructors must leave the room.
- Do not joke or make light of the evaluation form or process.
- Emphasize the differences between evaluation for the course/instructor and other evaluations, such as the one for field supervisor, if necessary.
The below instructions will be emailed to all instructors, with the exception of those teaching online courses, at least two weeks before the end of classes.
In-Class Instructions for Online Course Evaluation: Expanded Pilot
Faculty: Before the day of your course evaluation, remind students to bring a phone, tablet, or laptop with them to the class meeting.
As with our previous practice, online course evaluations in this expanded pilot should be administered during seated class time by faculty.
On the day of your course evaluation, please inform students that it is time to set aside a portion of the class meeting to complete a survey that measures their perceptions of the course and the instruction in the learning process.
Please write this URL clearly on the board:
Student Proctors: Please read aloud the following list of instructions to your classmates before they complete the evaluations:
- To access and submit an evaluation, use any portable smart device (e.g., phone, tablet, laptop) and type the following URL into your internet browser’s search field:
- Enter your BU login name and Kerberos password. Complete the particular evaluation assigned to you for this particular course.
- Your evaluations are anonymous, and instructors will not receive results until after all final grades have been submitted.
- Comments in the text fields are valued and encouraged. Please try to answer all questions, but if a question is not applicable to you or you do not wish to answer it then simply skip it.
- Once you have submitted your evaluations, please log out and close your browser.
(To ensure sufficient response rates, students should complete their online course evaluation during seated class time; however, the portal will remain open until the end of finals period if any students need more time. If your students report any technical difficulties with their online course evaluation, then please share their reported difficulties with your department’s academic administrator.)