Book by Edson Filho Added to Olympic World Library

Book by Edson Filho Added to Olympic World Library
A book coauthored by BU Wheelock associate professor Edson Filho was recently added to the Olympic World Library collection. Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology: Research Directions to Advance the Field presents more than 100 critical research questions in sport psychology and provides a list of must-read papers for researchers of all levels.
Created by the Olympic Studies Centre, a subset of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), the Olympic World Library is a comprehensive library catalogue and information portal about the Olympic Games.
“We’re honored that the IOC has selected our book for inclusion in their library,” says Filho, who co-wrote the 2021 book with Itay Basevitch of The College of Management Academic Studies in Israel. “Our goal is to inspire scholars and practitioners in sport, exercise, and performance psychology for years to come.”
Filho, who joined BU Wheelock in 2020, is a member of the sport psychology registry of the United States Olympic & Paralympic Committee. His research focus includes human excellence and performance recovery and optimization at both the individual and group levels.