Virtual Seminar Series


Being Street: The Trans Woman of Color as History

November 15, 1:30PM-2:45PM

Jules Gill-Peterson

University of Pittsburgh

Co-sponsored by the BU Department of English and the Health Humanities Project

American Studies for the Future: Cheryl Hicks

March 3, 5:00PM

Hillel Center, 213 Bay State Rd, Boston, MA 02215

Cheryl Hicks

University of Delaware

In collaboration with the American and New England Studies Program

Queer Space in a Church?

DELAYED to Fall 2022

Location TBA

Heather White

University of Puget Sound

Co-sponsored by the BU Department of Religion and the Health Humanities Project

Dividual Economies, Of Data, of Flesh: Maiming as Global Governance

April 20, 4:00PM-5:00PM

Jasbir K. Puar

Rutgers Univeristy

In collaboration with the BUCH and the Seeing Not Seeing Seminar