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Philosophy and Cognitive Science

Below please find the schedule for contributed papers in this section. If you have accessed the Congress Web Site using Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, or a similar program, it is possible to search for a name or paper title using the find function under the heading edit. Otherwise, you must browse through the page below in order to locate your name and paper title.

Thursday, August 13, 12-13:50


Title of Paper

Magoroh Maruyama Epistemological Types
Sergey Lyapin and Olga Skidan Sense Modelling and Intellectual Text Databases in New Humanitarian Research and Education Technologies
Robert Stufflebeam What Makes Something a (Digital) Computer? Why Not Just Any Computational Interpretation is Sufficient
J. Teixeira Computational Complexity and Philosophical Dualism

Thursday, August 13, 18-19:50


Title of Paper

M. Ast The Philosophical Foundations of Scientific Psychiatry
Austin Dacey-Groth Sterelny on Domain-Specificity in Evolutionary Psychology
David Newman Diety and Deep Blue: God and Golem Revisited
Henrique de Morais Ribeiro On The Philosophy of Cognitive Science
Jean-Michel Roy Cognitive Turn and Linguistic Turn
Wolfgang Wildgen From Lullus to Cognitive Semantics: The Evolution of a Theory of Semantic Fields

Friday, August 14, 14-15:50


Title of Paper

Louis Caruana Habits and Explanation
David DeMoss Aristotle, Connectionism, and the Morally Excellent Brain
Nicholas Georgalis Unconscious Beliefs
Nebojsa Kujundzic The Role of Mental Variation in Cognitive Science: Structured Imagination and Conceptual Combinations
Peter Skagestad Peirce, Virtuality, and Semiotic

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Last Modified: August 4, 1998