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Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Art

Below please find the schedule for contributed papers in this section. If you have accessed the Congress Web Site using Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, or a similar program, it is possible to search for a name or paper title using the find function under the heading edit. Otherwise, you must browse through the page below in order to locate your name and paper title.

Monday, August 10, 12-13:50


Title of Paper

Roman Kubicki Human Dilemmas of Aesthetical Identity of a Work of Art
Andrew Light Restoration of Art and Restoration of Nature
Thamir Mahdi Muhammad Logic of Aesthetic Judgement: Aristotelian Poetics as a Model
Nilima Sharma Gandhi and Mao's Philosophy of Art

Monday, August 10, 14-15:50


Title of Paper

Andrew Chignell The Problem of Particularity in Kant's Aesthetic Theory
Petre Dumitrescu Le theme de l'unite et de l'harmonie de l'homme chez Friedrich Schiller
Kostas Mavrakis Propositions intempestives pour une refondation axiomatique de l'esthetique.
Sandra Shapshay Subtle Scripture for an Invisible Church: The Moral Importance of the Beautiful in Kant
Krystyna Wilkoszewska Problems of Art, Problems of Education

Monday, August 10, 16-17:50


Title of Paper

Albert Gomez Ascaso George Bataille: The Surrealism of Nietzsche
Mario Fernando Bolognesi La Cultura y La Mercancia
Juan Horacio Lamarche La ficcion y la verdad
Maria Rosa Palazon Relaciones entre las actitudes bellas y las morales (Intersections between the Moral and the Beautiful Attitudes)

Monday, August 10, 18-19:50


Title of Paper

Lee B. Brown Documentation and Fabrication in Phonography
Richard A.Gilmore Philosophical Beauty: The Sublime and the Beautiful in Kant's Third Critique and Aristotle's Poetics
Charles Don Keyes Plato's Musical Rhythm and Harmony and the Spirit of Music in Neuroscientific Perspective
Glenn Kuehn Rhythmic Foundations, and the Necessary Aesthetic in Pierce's Categories
Sarah E. Worth Music, Emotion and Language: Using Music to Communicate

Tuesday, August 11, 09-9:50


Title of Paper

Ewa Bogusz-Boltuc La carafe de la Fontaine et la valeur esthetique
W. Stephen Croddy Explaining Modernism
Thomas E. Wartenberg Carroll on the Moving Image: Anti-Essentialism and the Definitional Project

Tuesday, August 11, 12-13:50


Title of Paper

Deborah J. Fitzgerald The British Avant-Garde: A Philosophical Analysis
Fernando Inciarte Art and Republicanism
Maria Jesus Martinez A Timeless Air: Reflections on Arthur C. Danto's Thesis on the End of Art
Stefan Munteanu The Art and Philosophy of Balance at Constantin Brancusi
Isabelle Sabau The Power of Symbolism in Byzantine Art

Tuesday, August 11, 14-15:50


Title of Paper

Endre Kiss Philosophical Principles of Literary Objectiveness
Hugo Roeffaers Aesthetic Experience and Verbal Art
Gerard Sondag Complementarite technique et complementarite esthetique
Tatiana Tamerian 'Neo-Mythology' and Image in XXth Century Art

Tuesday, August 11, 18-19:50


Title of Paper

Igor Douven Style and Supervenience
Robert Kramchynski Quality as Presentation: The Art of Speaking and the Science of Imitation
Aldo Tassi Why Theatre is Different
Andrew Ward Putting Value into Art

Tuesday, August 11, 20-21:50


Title of Paper

Peter Lamarque Poetry and Private Language
Liliana Maculus The Problem of Communication and Its Relations with Language
Evanghelos A. Moutsopoulos Le Suranne dans l'art: immanence et nostalgie
Francisca Perez-Carreno The Power of Metaphors
Marie-Dominique Popelard Le symptome goodmanieu: un nouveau type de symbolisation?

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