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Persons and Personal Identity

The papers indexed below were given at the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy, in Boston, Massachusetts from August 10-15, 1998. Additional papers may be added to this section as electronic versions are aquired and formatted for the archive. These papers will be listed for a period of time at the What's New? page.

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Persons and Personal Identity
Author's Name Affiliation Paper Title
Mary T. Clark   Plotinus, Augustine, Aquinas, K.Wojtyla on Person and Ego
Stefan Gandler Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro Difference and Identity
Simon Glynn Florida Atlantic University Identity, Perception, Action and Choice in Contemporary and Traditional "No-Self" Theories
Maija Kúle University of Latvia Understanding of Intersubjectivity and Life in Theodors Celm's Philosophical Works
Erin McCarthy University of Ottawa The Space of the Self: An analysis of the notion of subjective spatiality in the philosophy of Watsuji Tetsuro
Jurate Morkuniene Lithuanian Institute of Philosophy and Sociology The Preconditions of Social Identity of a Small State in Transition to Democracy
Daniel E. Palmer Purdue University Parfit, the Reductionist View, and Moral Commitment
Stanley Riukas   Hume's Ontology of Personhood
Vitaly V. Tsuckerman   Foundation or Individual in a Determinate Universe
Amos Yong Bethany College Personal Selfhood(?) and Human Experience in Whitehead's Philosophy of Organism
Mark Zuss Lehman College On the Futures of the Subject
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Page Created: March 19, 1999
Last Modified: June 15, 2000


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