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Philosophy of Action

The papers indexed below were given at the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy, in Boston, Massachusetts from August 10-15, 1998. Additional papers may be added to this section as electronic versions are aquired and formatted for the archive. These papers will be listed for a period of time at the What's New? page.

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Philosophy of Action
Author's Name Affiliation Paper Title
Joaquin Jareno Alarcon   The Role of Action in the Development of Ethical Certainties
Joseph Bien University of Missouri Camus: On and In Action
C. W. Gichure Kenyatta University Happiness through Human Work
Catriona Hanley Loyola College Theory and Praxis in Aristotle and Heidegger
María del Rosario Hernández Borges Universidad de La Laguna (Islas Canarias-España) Los problemas de D. Davidson con la acción intencional Spanish
Marion Ledwig University of Konstanz The Rationality of Probabilities for Actions in Decision Theory
Kevin Magill University of Wolverhampton, UK Actions, Intentions, and Awareness and Causal Deviancy
Michael S. McKenna Ithaca College A Speaker-Meaning Theory of Moral Responsibility
Alexander J. Ovsich Boston College Outlines of the Theory of Choice: Attitude, Desire, Attention, Will
Marc E. Smith St. Thomas University Essential and Effective Freedom: Reflections Based on the Work of Bernard Lonergan
Yujian Zheng Lingnan College How Genuine is the Paradox of Irrationality?
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Page Created: May 18, 1999
Last Modified: February 19, 2000


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