Rites of Spring!
This week was the spring of deception, but very soon, warmer temps will be here to stay, and here at the BUCK, that means getting outside! March will be all about preparing you and your bike to keep moving through the end of the term. To that end, our schedule will change after spring break, and Saturday shop time will return, with hours TBD.
To start the month off, whether you’re brand new or need a refresher, come check out our ABC’s of bike maintenance March 6th, at 5:30 p. This short course will go over the basics of keeping your bike happy to increase its lifespan, and your time between services, whether you tune your bike yourself, at the BUCK, or have it done professionally at your friendly local bike shop.
March 13th from 6-9 p features the return of grrreasetime, in partnership with Femmechanics. This worknight is put on by and for the femme, trans, women, and gender expansive community to create a safe wrenching space. It’s co-sponsored by the LGBTQIA+ Center for Faculty and Staff, and will have BUCK staff and volunteers present to help with any and all of your needs! Come clean or fix your bike, or just enjoy the community. There will almost certainly be snaxxxx.
Springing ahead to March 19, from 5-7p, the BUCK will be combining our love of classical music with classic bike safety questions. Do you have questions about your legal rights as a bicyclist on the road? Have you been meaning to listen to Igor Stravinsky’s 1913 ballet, The Rite of Spring? On the first day of Spring, we’ll be rocking out to Stravinsky while Boston bike law expert Josh Zisson of Bike Safe Boston answers all your questions about legal rules and rights on the road.
Closing out the month, our friends over at CIMS’ Spring Film Series will feature The Way He Looks on March 27th at 5p. Unlike other BUCK movies, the screening takes place in Com B05. It’s supposed to be a very sweet romance with some lovely bicycle scenes.
Due to Spring Break, and manager PQ attending a conference, there is currently no group ride planned for the month, but check back for a collaboration with Tufts for April, an Earth day bike lane clean up, and other fun pop ups.If there’s something else you want to see, drop us a line.