BA to MFA in Literary Translation

Established in 2024, our eight brand-new BA-to-MFA degree programs — in Ancient Greek, Chinese, French Studies, Japanese, German, Latin, Spanish, or Comparative Literature –allow students interested in translation to deepen their knowledge of theory and practice, get intensive training, and receive another degree. Working with faculty who are themselves professional translators, you will engage with the theory and practice of literary translation, while refining your stylistic and linguistic skills and expanding your knowledge of the field of Translation Studies.

Since its establishment in 2020, the MFA in Literary Translation has attracted a number of BU graduates who have chosen to stay on for another year to complete the degree. Now, with the BA-to-MFA program, it has become possible for BU undergraduates to get a head start on earning the MFA. Here’s how: in the spring of your junior year, apply to the MFA. If you’re accepted, you can take two MFA courses in your senior year, which will count towards both degrees. The following year, you need take only six courses to complete the requirements for the MFA. Presto! BA to MFA!

Another piece of good news: all students admitted to the MFA are considered for a 50%-off-tuition merit scholarship for the MFA year.

Dina Famin BA’23, MFA ’24 and Evan Laufan BA’24 MFA expected ’25

The MFA program is administered by the Department of World Languages & Literatures and draws on faculty expertise in the Departments of Classical Studies, Romance Studies, English, and Creative Writing. You can read here about the MFA courses and here about BU’s storied Translation Seminar offered since 1981.

Emily Wilson speaking in the Translation Seminar and MFA students having lunch with visiting translators.
You can apply to the following BA-to-MFA program beginning in Spring ’25. Click on each program to see the Bulletin description and requirements.

Ancient Greek/Literary Translation BA/MFA
Chinese/Literary Translation
Comparative Literature//Literary Translation
French Studies /Literary Translation
German/Literary Translation
Japanese/Literary Translation
Latin/Literary Translation
Spanish/Literary Translation

Graduates of BU’s MFA in Literary Translation program will be equipped with the skills, connections, and portfolio to find translation work and to pursue a wide variety of international careers, not only in literary translation, but also in technical, legal, and humanitarian fields. You will be well qualified to pursue a literary career or work as an editor in literary publishing.

Although the Literary Translation MFA is relatively new, we can already boast of the successes of our graduates, which you can read about here.

You can find information about how to apply here. The priority application deadline is February 15, 2025.