• Barbara Moran

    Barbara Moran, Senior Science Writer

    Barbara Moran is a science writer in Brookline, Mass. Profile

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There are 4 comments on Football: Child’s Play, Adult Peril?

  1. The Soldier Sports Heads Up Sensor is a device that helps train to prevent head injuries from occuring. Every youth football player should have one. Impact sensors are great but they do nothing proactive to prevent injuries.

    1. I agree with Joseph Webster, you can’t unscramble an egg and the best defense against concussions is proper conditioning of the muscles most responsible for supporting the encasement of the brain, the neck. Nobody is talking about preventing concussions everyone is focused on treatment. There was a study published in the National Institute of Health (NIH) which concluded “for every one pound increase in neck strength, odds of concussion decreased by 5 %”. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24930131. It is time to address some of the proactive measures to prevent concussions as much as if not more than the treatment.

  2. Finally the picture is becoming clear: tackle football is a significant public health threat. For how much longer will parents, coaches & schools send children & young adults out to, in essence, kill each other? It’s somewhat different for pro & college athletes because — but only now — they can give a degree of informed consent. (Too many have already suffered permanent injury even though the effects may not be known for years.) But younger players? Parents, schools & public officials eventually must recognize this threat & respond appropriately. Once the supply of young players is cut off, once the pipeline is shut down, there should be major changes in playing the sport that take real account of the danger.

    Violence is not inherent to football, but emphasizing it — promoting it — also encourages other violent & criminal behavior. Witness the excessively large number of pro & college players who commit assault, even murder. Can we attract violent people to a violent sport & realistically expect them to turn it on & off with ease?

    There is an obvious two-word solution to the problem that nobody wants to hear: TOUCH FOOTBALL. Ah, but too many fans & owners go into hysterics at the thought of robbing the sport of the pleasure & profit of hard hits. So, the choice is unpalatable but clear: public health or pleasure & profit. Let’s do the right thing.

  3. Don’t beat around the bush, say the truth explicitly:

    Parents who “encourage” (read: force) their children to play football are the same as parents who shake babies.

    Both types of parents should be held legally responsible and face the same punishments.

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