Global Citizenship & Intercultural Literacy

Suggested Texts for WR 112

In general, WR 112 instructors should feel free to use as many of the following texts as they would like to build up their course, supplementing as they see fit with other texts (“texts” is broadly construed, including advertisements, videos, podcasts, TED talks, etc.). Please share any additional texts you are using beyond this list […]

WR 112: Intercultural Literacy, Race, Racism, and Antiracism

Students, thank you for attending the WR 112 Spring 2021 discussion about race, racism, and antiracism! This page contains a series of follow-up activities for you to continue learning more about and reflecting on these important topics. Objective To be more aware of and take more steps toward intercultural literacy (our WR 112 Hub unit), […]

Whose History Matters? The Importance of Co-Conspirators

In October 2019, Claudia Fox Tree spoke to over a hundred students from WR 111 and WR 112. The 111 students had read, or were about to read, Montana 1948, while many of the 112 students had read this essay by Justin Nobel. Her talk gave students new perspectives on First Nations/Native Americans and other […]

Suggested Readings for WR 112: Longer Works

For AY 2023-2024, we are excited to announce a more flexible approach to texts in WR 112. In order to make space in the course for other multimodal and critical literacy elements, we will be phasing out the longer work in WR 112. For this year, however, if you wish, you may continue to use a […]

Global Citizenship & Intercultural Literacy (ELL)

Our Essential Lessons are a sequence of lessons that form the backbone of the Writing Program curriculum, illustrating what we want all students to learn across our program’s diverse course topics. International students in WR 112 learn more about and start analyzing global diversity with respect to language and culture. This lesson serves as an […]